(My boy Jackson - he makes my heart happy)
From the moment we got in the car to head this way on a 7-8 hour drive we have been laughing. And then last night after we arrived the laughing only intensified. And it was capped off by us watching comedian Brian Regan at the Improv. Seriously, if you have not checked out his stuff it is an absolute MUST! I had seen a bit or two of his but last night we watched for an hour.
When we finally ran out of "bits" to watch we had sore stomachs and cheeks from laughing so much. It is safe to say we all had laughed until we cried. Part of the joy was just being together with friends -- but there is no doubt that Regan is one of the funniest comedians alive today.
But as we were sitting there (more like rolling around doubled over) it occurred to me that the old Proverb "a happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing..." is completely true! If there was a way to bottle up laughter and sell it this invention would make more money (and actually do more good) than all the other anti-depressants combined. And i don't doubt for a second that this laughter would cure many things beyond just depression.
(I recommend that you read this article on the actual effects of laughter on the brain and the body. It will give you some great insights into the importance of it and why the Proverb about a happy heart being good medicine is scientifically true.)
The effects of laughter and joy on a person(s) can NOT be overstated or overvalued. It can really heal and transform. Where can you find opportunities to add more laughter and joy to your life? Think about the things that put a smile on your face and work as natural stimulants -- how can you find more time to work these things into your daily routine?
I challenge you to figure this out and actually do it. Your life depends on it.
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