Why is listening so dang hard to do? I am not necessarily referring to the "listening" one does when a friend is talking (although that is implied here too) -- i am referring to the listening that one should do daily when they slow their life down enough to hear God talking. It seems so difficult to do yet it is always so rewarding when accomplished.
And by "listening" i dont mean reading the bible or praying via asking for "things." I truly mean sitting in silence and focusing on nothing else but "hearing" well. Today i had that opportunity and took it. It was very meaningful and rewarding.
When i think of slowing down and quieting oneself -- i am also reminded of a story told by Rob Bell about a friend that had totally "jacked up" his back yet was UNABLE to feel the full intensity of the pain until he took some time of solitude days later. At that point the pain was so intense he could no longer be in solitude because he had to rush to the doctor.
Amazing how we rush through life and miss things bc we CHOOSE to not slow down and listen. And there are many things we miss waaaay more important than just back pain.
Three Paradigm Shifts That Will Improve Your Marketing
Our June StoryBrand workshop was a smashing success. Our attendees ranged
from writers to multi-million dollar candle makers. We had a wedding
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